Exhibits-to-Go is the Boonshoft Museum of Discovery’s traveling museum. These hands-on exhibit presentations have been developed to be taken to schools, day care centers and camps. The Wise About Eyes Exhibits-To-Go (ETG) is a 60-minute classroom presentation designed to enhance the preschool and elementary education curricula by providing “hands-on” experiences that bring the Wise About Eyes exhibit and the Wild About Eyes kiosk subject matter to life OUTSIDE the exhibit or kiosk experience.

Aligned with state education standards, including Common Core, The Wise About Eyes ETG program contains three learning objectives for children:
1. The importance of vision: most of what we learn is through our eyes, keep eyes healthy and safe, no eye replacements, and discussion of how eyes can become hurt/injured.
2. Why some people wear glasses: purpose of glasses, role of eye doctor, purpose of and importance of eye examinations, what eye charts look like.
3. Eye health and safety: no eye replacements if eye gets injured, discussion of things that are harmful to eyes, discussion of ways to keep eyes safe.