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Guided by the National Health Education Standards, the National Science Education Standards and the Standards for Technology Literacy, Prevent Blindness, Ohio Affiliate has developed programs that will increase awareness among Ohio’s children and their caretakers of the importance of eye health and safety by providing hands-on learning opportunities that will enable them to make wise, informed decisions about how to keep their eyes healthy and safe throughout their lifetime. All levels of the curriculum are aligned with the STEM and Common Core Standards.


Children, even young children, are able to learn preventive health practices that can lead to a regimen of healthy lifestyle choices that will enhance their quality of life and potentially reduce the need for certain types of health care as they grow older. 


The Play It Safe With Your Eyes curriculum is broken into developmental age groups with hands-on activities that correspond with current education standards, including Common Core.


Intended for teens, One Pair of Eyes© is an Eye Health and Safety Curriculum developed to positively affect Ohio students’ attitudes towards the use of personal eye protection, and their ability to identify appropriate eye health and safety practices. Safety is NO accident: knowing what to do (and not do) can make all the difference!


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